Staff Spotlight: Sarah Billings

Sarah is the newest official member of the Bench Mark Program team, but she’s been a familiar face for over a year now coming to the gym as part of her internship and a mentor. Her experience as a social worker in Lancaster and surrounding areas has allowed her to have a unique and valuable approach as our Director of Operations. Learn more about Sarah and you’ll see why we’re thrilled to have her on the Bench Mark team. 

  1. Name: Sarah Billings, MSW/LSW

  2. Title/Description: Director of Operations 

  3. Years at Bench Mark Program: Started full time in July

  4. What has been your favorite thing about being a part of Bench Mark Program (gym, outings, tutoring etc.)? Building relationships with students, watching them grow over time, as well as helping the staff build and utilize new skills. 

  5. What do you hope the students can learn from you and your experiences? I am a first generation college grad; I never understood the impact of that experience until I was many years into my career and realized how much I had to figure out on my own. I think it is important for people to learn how to ask questions and how to navigate systems and resources that can help them get to their goals. 

  6. Why do you think Bench Mark Program is so important to the Lancaster community? I’ve worked as a social worker in the area for over a decade and I find Bench Mark Program to be a particularly special place. It is rare that students feel so at home in a program and a place. That safety kids feel in Bench Mark Program’s sense of community is what allows students to learn, to grow, and to meet their goals. 

Fun Facts

  1. If you were a superhero, what would you want your superpower to be and why? Teleportation, because I really love to travel! 

  2. If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be and why?Music—I would love to be an expert piano player and dream of having perfect-pitch.

  3. If someone was making a movie about your life what actor would you choose to play you? Myself! Acting was my dream job as a child. 

  4. If you had to describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be? I’ve got chutzpah. I am realistic and hopeful. 

  5. What is one goal you would like to accomplish in your lifetime? Getting my PhD.