The beginning of July will mark Holland's one year anniversary with Bench Mark Program as the Fundraising & Events Coordinator. Holland first started with Bench Mark Program in a social media and marketing role in 2018 and then moved into her current position. Her love for Lancaster, passion for connection and skill in fundraising make her the perfect fit for the Bench Mark Program team. We are so excited about all the growth at Bench Mark Program, and Holland has been a key part of it. Learn more about Holland below!
Name/Info - Holland Baldrige, I live in Lancaster with my husband and two adorable girls who keep me very busy.
Title - Fundraising & Event Coordinator
What is one of the best things about being a part of the Bench Mark team? - I love the diversity of stories, experiences and ideas all coming together to make Bench Mark's mission a reality. Everyone from the staff, to the mentors to the students, works really hard and believes in the work we're doing.
What excites you about Bench Marks future? - Being able to expand our services and number of students as we grow as an organization. Every time we get together as a team we have new and exciting ideas to better serve our students and watching them come to life is so motivating and exciting.
What are some of your hobbies? - I love running and training for races, playing tennis, hiking and traveling with my family.
If you won a million dollars what would be the first thing you would spend it on? - A beach house
What would be your dream place to take a vacation and why? - My husband and I loved traveling in Europe and were able to do so a few times, so my dream vacation would be when we can go back with our girls and explore with them.
What is your favorite animal and why? - I grew up riding horses and I think they're still my favorite.
What is one goal you would like to accomplish in your lifetime? - I'd love to complete a marathon! Right now I don't have enough time to train as well as I'd like to, but I'm hoping in a few years I'll be able to do it.
Holland, left, finishing her 10th Broad Street Run!