Staff Spotlight: Jhavon Jenkins — Bench Mark Program

Staff Spotlight: Jhavon Jenkins

Jhavon Jenkins is the newest staff member at Bench Mark Program and like others, he wears many hats as both driver and mentor to our students. We first got to know Jhavon on the basketball court where he coached a team playing in the same league as our Bench Mark team. He’s been a great addition to our crew and we’re excited to see what his future holds at Bench Mark Program. 

  1. Name: Jhavon O. Jenkins 

  2. Title/Description: Mentor and Driver 

  3. Years at Bench Mark Program: 3 months 

  4. What do you hope the students can learn from you and your experiences?

    I hope the students learn that there is more to life than their current circumstances. Once you open your mind and take advantage of positive opportunities the sky's the limit  

  5. Why do you think Bench Mark is so important to the Lancaster community?

    Bench Mark is important to the Lancaster community because it’s offering something no one else is to a group of people, that people talk so badly about

  6. Other than Bench Mark, what is something your passionate about?

    Jesus Christ, cooking traveling, and family 

Fun Facts

  1. What is your favorite sports team?

    The Philadelphia EAGLES. 

  2. If you were a superhero, what would you want your superpower to be?

    I want to be invisible and able to walk through walls and stuff. 

  3. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?


  4. If someone was making a movie about your life what actor / actress would you choose to play you?

    Shamon Brown Jr. From the tv show called The Chi

  5. What is your spirit animal and why?

    I am the Wolf because the power of the wolf brings forth instinct, intelligence, appetite for freedom, and awareness of the importance of social connections

  6. If you had to choose just one decade to listen to music from for the rest of your life what would it be?

    Gospel Music From 1995 to 2005

  7. If you had to describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?

    Ambitious, different, and determined 

  8. What is one goal you would like to accomplish in your lifetime?

    To have several successful businesses 
