Mentor Spotlight: Wilfredo (Junior) Rosario Jr.

Junior has been a mentor at Bench Mark Program for over 3 years. He was originally connected with Bench Mark Program by a court judge suggesting where to do his community service hours. However, he has quickly become one of our favorite boxing coaches and a dependable presence in the gym . After spending only a few minutes talking with Junior, you can clearly see the passion and heart he has for our students. His commitment to growth in all aspects in his life inspires us and our students. 

He credits Will Kiefer for not only giving him the opportunity to mentor at Bench Mark Program, but welcoming him as part of the Bench Mark Program family.

1.Name/Info: Wilfredo Rosario Jr. is my full name but everyone knows me by Junior. I worked in the hotel industry for several years, and also did construction work at a younger age. I was a General Delegate for a Private Detectives and Security Guards Union, among other jobs and positions throughout the years. I am a father of 3 kids and 6 grandkids which I love very much making my favorite motto “family first.” I'm a huge animal person. I have a great sense of humor. I enjoy and am passionate about writing. I played volleyball and although I was very good at it, my passion has always been boxing.

2. Why did you choose to volunteer/mentor? 

I can't really say I chose Bench Mark Program but it kind of chose me. Even though it was an option as community service by court officials I can say I am really blessed finding Bench Mark Program. It gave me, not only a chance for a change, but a chance for growth! We all have our good days and bad days but whatever way I'm feeling, doing what I do makes a difference not only for others but for myself. Will Kiefer is the reason I'm here today for accepting me without judgment and for that I'm thankful. 

3. Share one of your favorite stories from your time at Bench Mark Program (with a student, other staff members, etc.)

Is hard to just mention one story when there are many. Every kid has their own way or comes with their own issues. It is really about how we work with them and around them. The stories of Roniel & Yaniel come to mind. Seeing the growth of these two kids become great athletes which is leading them to something bigger and having the chance to see them lead the way they do amazes me. Roniel was the first kid from Bench Mark Program who was given, what I like to call, a “Sponsors Scholarship". We became involved in a local gym, Jinji's Boxing Club, and they helped us and our kids to achieve and conquer their dreams of boxing. Roniel holds a score of 4-1 as an amateur fighter and is ranked on the Silver Gloves Nationals. 

(Yaniel after winning his first fight pictured on right.) Yaniel is a special kid, having him in our program and in my life is a blessing. After receiving my Coaches Book it was time for Yaniel to have his first event as an amateur fighter. That day was full of surprises, and Jinji and Jessica Martinez allowed me to come to his corner during the fight.  The feeling, the excitement, the glory of not only being there for Yaniel but seeing him win with hard work, determination and above all discipline. Coaching my first fight as a green level coach was an amazing experience, but winning it, WOW, was even better!

5. What is your best advice for those wanting to volunteer/mentor at a nonprofit? Respect, among anything and everything. Embrace what you do and teach. Be a family to our kids and community, and learn as we see the growth and accomplishments of our kids.